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Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more.

#ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings

international conference


29. septembra 2022


Bratislava, Slovakia

hotel Park Inn by Radisson Danube

28. septembra 2022

28. septembra 2022

When and Venue:

nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová 

General Schedule


End of the Gala dinner


Gala dinner


End of Day 1


Discussion panel





Day 1


End of Day 2


Discussion panel





Day 2

Excursion program

Verejná zelená strecha



Verejná zelená strecha

SKY Park


Verejná zelená strecha



Registration of entry to the Conference and Program

You will be redirected to the registration page.

Keynote speakers

Dusty Gedge

Green infrastructure professional, speaker, photographer and conservationist Currently, Dusty Gedge is President of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB) and founder of, a recognized authority, designer and consultant on green roofs and green infrastructure. He works with Gary Grant for Green Infrastructure Consultancy Ltd. Dusty has been a lifelong bird watcher and has a keen interest in nature, be it wild bees, butterflies or wildflowers. Birdwatching guided him in his career towards green infrastructure.




Dusty Gedge

Rastislav Nemec

Ing. Rastislav Nemec is the director of the business development division in the Slovak gas industry, a. with. from February 2021. The division he manages has competences and responsibilities for the creation and implementation of strategic development opportunities in the areas of building renewable energy sources (RES), especially photovoltaic and wind power plants, as well as the production of alternative low-emission energies and fuels, including biomethane and green hydrogen and last but not least in the field of providing modern energy services and solutions, such as aggregation. Before joining SPP, Rastislav Nemec was a project manager and chief expert for the creation of a new vision and strategy for SPP until 2030, which will be gradually implemented from 2020.


Riaditeľ divízie rozvoja podnikania

SPP a.s.

Rastislav Nemec

Andreas Dreisiebner

He graduated in landscape architecture and since 1992 has been running his own gardening company A777 Garden design, and is also active in vertical green and indoor gardening For more than 25 years he has been dedicated to renewable energies. He has been responsible for research and development at Solarspar since 2008. It focuses on solutions of a combined green roof and photovoltaic panels as a system solution for extreme conditions in the mountains. He implemented test projects in Winterthur, Arosa, Yakutia and Moscow. Since autumn 2015, he has been a member of the group of experts on renewable energy at the UN Economic Commission for Europe,



A777 Garden design

Andreas Dreisiebner

Pavel Dostál

He works as a manager in the company GreenVille service s.r.o., which has been dealing with the implementation of green roofs since 2012. Pavel Dostal is also the chairman of the Green Roofs professional section of the Green Building and Maintenance Association, which brings together companies and organizations professionally dealing with greenery on buildings. He is an active member of the working groups of the Czech Council for Green Buildings (CZGBC) and one of the vice-presidents of the international organization EFB uniting national green roof associations in European countries.

Česká republika



Pavel Dostál

Elisabeth Gruchmann

She studied landscape architecture and helped found the Austrian innovation laboratory for green roofs and green facades GRÜNSTATTGRAU, where she works as a project manager in Vienna. She is the general secretary of the European Federation of Green Roofs and Facades (EFB), which unites European national associations. It focuses on biosolar green roofs, urban biodiversity and quality assurance. She was part of the working group for the creation of the Austrian green wall standard ÖNORM L 1136, which was published in April 2021.


Krajinná architektka


Elisabeth Gruchmann

Martin Vysoký

A landscape architect who works at the consulting firm Edge, based in Malmö, Sweden. He focuses on the creation of multifunctional public spaces that contribute to the quality of urban life. He is the co-author of the manual Living Streets - a manual for Bluegreengrey systems, which was created for nine Swedish municipalities and which is based on several years of research and application of these systems in the urban environment. In his presentation, he will talk about an interdisciplinary approach that shows how to combine the functions of rainwater management, planting and root space for vegetation, and paved surfaces for traffic on the same area and volume in order to ensure ecosystem services and increase the climate resilience of urban spaces.


Krajinný architekt


Martin Vysoký

Pete Ellis

He is an expert in green roofs. His company is based in Boston and has over a decade of experience in the industry. Pete is a dedicated green roof advocate, educator and implementer and a firm believer in the regenerative power of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. Coming from a diverse background in art, construction, design and agriculture, Pete takes a holistic approach to his work, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration. Along with his team at Recover Green Roofs, he has developed and installed green roofs and rooftop farms across the United States, working tirelessly to promote the inclusion of nature in our built cities.


Projektový manager

Recover Green Roofs

Pete Ellis

Branislav Bošák

He has been working at YIT Slovakia for more than 5 years and my task is to bring news in the field of construction, whether it is prefabrication, sustainability in construction or new technological and energy solutions. Subsequently, we try to transfer these solutions to our projects, which is a very difficult and long-term work before it manifests itself on the outside. Retrieving information from our projects in order to apply good solutions elsewhere and avoid bad solutions is also part of my job.



Branislav Bošák

Ján Rapan

Data scientist and consultant in the field of Energy and Telecommunications, who is dedicated to research in the field of Climate Change. It cooperates with international scientific centers and publishes in-depth analyzes and solutions to minimize the impacts of Climate Change. He is also the chairman of the Naša Sibírska community, where he is dedicated to projects of revitalization of the old housing stock and reduction of the impacts of Urban heat islands.


Dátový vedec

Ján Rapan

Martina Paulíková

She studied nature and landscape protection at the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Studies of the Technical University in Zvolen. Currently, she works for the Ekopolis Foundation as a program manager. At the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Development of Civil Society, he works on the involvement of civil society in the programming of the European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027 in the area of ​​2nd Green Europe. In 2020-2021, she worked as an external coordinator of the creation of the water policy concept at the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, when a new framework for sustainable was created with the participation of a wide range of stakeholders. The subject of her interest is public participation in environmental decision-making, protection and sustainable use of water, as well as protection of the residential environment. She is a member of the monitoring committee for the Environmental Quality Operational Program, where she represents the Ekoforum network of environmental organizations.


Programová manažérka

Nadácia Ekopolis

Martina Paulíková

Vladimír Kočvara

In 2000, he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava, majoring in environmental studies - environmental planning and management. During his studies, he completed a two-month internship in the USA and assisted in the projects of the studio AUREX, spol. with r. about. He gained his first practical experience (2000 – 2003) at DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology, later (2004 – 2007) he worked closely with the company EKOJET, p. r. o., since 2007 he has been fully devoted to his consulting company ADONIS CONSULT. He participated in the assessment of more than 250 construction projects, his company is active throughout Slovakia, he is a member of the environmental commission in Bratislava's Devínská Nova Ves. He lectures externally at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University and publishes in local newspapers.




Vladimír Kočvara

Zuzana Beerová

For several years, she was the business manager of AGRO CS Slovakia a.s., a garden and landscape architect. After completing her studies at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering in Nitra, Zuzana gradually began to apply the acquired experience in the field at AGRO CS Slovakia a.s., where she has been working as a PROFI sales manager since 2014. It specializes in and covers the sale of a complete assortment for vegetated roofs and park improvements on the Slovak market. He actively participates in the design of the correct and functional vegetation assemblage on various projects of extensive and intensive roofs.


Obchodný manažér

AGRO CS Slovakia a.s.

Zuzana Beerová

We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient.

Conference program

Partners and Sponsors


28. septembra 2022

28. septembra 2022


Gold partner

Golden partner

Gold partner

Golden partner
Media partner
Media partner
Energie Portal
Media partner
Media partner
TOP Stavebné

Bronze partner


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