Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more.
#ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings
international conference
Slovenská komora architektov zaradila rozhodnutím Výboru pre vzdelávanie, etiku a komunikáciu túto konferenciu do vzdelávania v rámci kategórie C. Účastníčky a účastníci z radov členskej základe SKA získajú za jeho absolvovanie 5 kreditov.
The Committee for Education, Ethics, and Communication of the Slovak Chamber of Architects decided to include this conference in education within category C. Participants from the SKA membership base will receive 5 credits for attending it.
Kategória C, 5 kreditov / Category C, 5 credits
28. septembra 2023
Bratislava, Slovakia
hotel Park Inn by Radisson Danube
27. septembra 2023
26. septembra 2023
When and Venue:
nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová
General Schedule
End of the Gala dinner
Gala dinner
End of Day 1
Discussion panel
Day 1
End of Day 2
Discussion panel
Day 2
Excursion program
Keynote speakers
Garden architect. Education: Technical University of Berlin. PhD from 1987 on "Eco-effects of vegetation facades". About 220 related scientific publications with a main focus on green infrastructure. 1981 – 1990: scientist; Institute of Ecology, Technical University, Berlin, Germany. 1990 - 1994: Executive Director of the Research Center for Landscape Ecology, Bremen, Germany 1994- March 2021: Professor of Landscape Ecology at the University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg. 2008 Co-founder and President of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). 2021: Senior Professor Univ. of applied sciences. Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. Member of related associations such as FLL, BUGG, BDLA.
Prezident WGIN
prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Koehler
Assistant Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Wrocław and member of the WGIN Board of Directors. Founding member of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects. She is the author of scientific and popular publications related to the greenness of urban areas, with special emphasis on green roofs and living walls, as well as the adaptation of cities to climate change. She gave numerous papers at national and international conferences in European, Asian and US countries. She is also the author of green development projects for several city parks, as well as the author of expert opinions on the greening of buildings in city districts. In 2020, she was a member of the international consultation team for the draft EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.
Poľská Asociácia zelených striech
dr. ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD.
He studied "Protection and creation of the environment" at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Palacký University in Olomouc and "Landscape Ecology" at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Mendel University in Brno, where he received his doctorate. Since 2010, he has been leading the Department of Energy and Substance Flows at the Institute of Global Change Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - CzechGlobe. It mainly deals with forest ecology, substance and energy flows between ecosystems and the atmosphere, functions of green spaces in cities, the carbon cycle, global climate change and the construction of measurement systems.
Česká republika
Senior scientist
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, Akademie věd ČR — CzechGlobe
Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D.
Doc. Sokáč is an independent researcher, chairman of the Scientific Council of the ÚH SAS, v. in. i. in its scientific and research activities, it deals with the issue of drainage of urbanized areas, water quality, mathematical modeling of runoff in urbanized areas and sewage networks, and changes in water quality. In recent years, he also dealt with the issue of hydrodynamic dispersion in water courses, or in sewage networks and by solving the inverse task - locating sources of pollution.
Predseda Vedeckej Rady ÚH SAV
Ústav Hydrológie Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, v. v. i.
doc. Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD.
He studied at the Faculty of STU 1997-2003, professional internships in Winston-Salem, USA (2001) and New York, USA (2002). After graduating from 2003-2011, he was part of several architectural studios (SPDe, Bogár-Králik-Urban, Fitzpatrick-Mays (Ireland), Siebert-Talaš. In 2011, he founded his own studio, an_arch. In 2019, he entered a position in the local government, where he is currently the "chief architect" of the city of Trnava. He is a participant and lecturer in workshops focusing on public spaces and tactical urbanism.
Vedúci odboru územného rozvoja a koncepcií mesto Trnava
mesto Trnava
Ing. Arch. Ondrej Horváth
Graduated from the field of garden and landscape design at AF VŠZ in Brno and postgraduate study of creation and environmental protection at Charles University. Authorized landscape architect, member of ČKA, forensic expert registered in the list of experts Min. justice. He started his professional career managing city parks and forests in the spa town of Poděbrady, from where he later moved to the Průhonice research institute. In the early 1990s, he worked as the director of the environmental protection department of the City Hall. of Prague. He is the co-author of the Standards for the design, implementation and maintenance of green roof vegetation and the author of the Greening of Facades methodology.
Autorizovaný krajinársky architekt
Ing. Samuel Burian
Co-founder of the family company GreenVille service s.r.o., which deals with the design, implementation and maintenance of green roofs. He is the chairman of the Czech professional section "Green roofs at the Association of Green Building and Maintenance" and one of the vice-presidents of the "European Federation of Green Roof and Facade Associations (EFB)".
Ing. Pavel Dostál
Prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD. is a teacher, energy auditor and energy manager, expert on renewable energy. He professionally deals with the issues of energy, energy audits, energy management and green architecture in connection with the possibilities of using RES with an assessment of complex connections to the user, society and the environment. He holds several certificates and certificates in the field of energy and renewable energy.
Energia budov s. r. o.
Prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD.
Father of 2 children, who deals with the implementation and reconstruction of waterproofing of flat roofs with foil based on mPVC, with which our company has more than 30 years of experience. During my time in this company, I had the opportunity to participate in several important projects. From the portfolio of projects that we implement, my passion is mainly vegetated roofs.
Fatra Izolfa a.s.
Ing. Michal Kováč
Data scientist and consultant in the field of Energy and Telecommunications, who has been engaged in research in the field of Climate Change for a long time. It cooperates with international scientific centers and publishes in-depth analyzes and solutions to minimize the anthropogenic impacts of Climate Change. He is the vice-president of the Slovak Association for Green Roofs and Green Infrastructure, a member of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations, a member of the World Green Infrastructure Network. In these institutions, it covers international scientific research activities related to the impact of Blue and Green infrastructure, including energy efficiency to minimize Urban Heat Islands and Climate Change.
Ján Rapan
We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient.
Conference program
Partners and Sponsors
Ing. Pavel Dostal
Najčastejšie chyby na zelených strechách
Fatra Izolfa a.s.
Pomáhame, aby voda pomáhala a neškodila
Ing. Samuel Burian
Ako na to - manuál pre vertikálne zelené steny
Eduard Chvosta
Botanická záhrada hl. mesta Prahy
Ako priniesť biodiverzitu do miest
Prestávka na občerstvenie
Ing. Arch. Ondrej Horváth
mesto Trnava
Ako buduje Trnava adaptačné opatrenia – príklady dobrej praxe
Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Formanek
Ako tieto veci riešime v Rakúsku
Dr Oleksandra Strashok
Ukrainian Association of Green Infrastructure, Wroclaw University of Life and Environmental Sciences (PL)
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (UA, Kyiv)
Pohľad na obnovu Ukrajiny
Branislav Siklienka
Inšpiratívne príklady zelených striech zo Slovenska a zahraničia
Obedná prestávka
SPP Ekofond
Zelená infraštruktúra a výroba energie
prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD.
Starostlivosť o bytový fond, energetická efektivita a samostatnosť
Financovanie opatrení z verejných zdrojov - ŠFRB
Jana Tóth
Financovanie opatrení z fondov EÚ
Zvýhodnené podmienky pre obnovu bytového fondu - banky a poisťovne
Ján Rapan
Teraz už viete, že zelená infraštruktúra môže pomáhať viac ako len prázdny slogan
Diskusný stôl k záveru druhého dňa
Záver a zhrnutie dňa
27. septembra 2023
Branislav Siklienka
Príhovor organizátora
Ján Rapan
Umenie ohýbania dát
prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Koehler
Modrá/Zelená infraštruktúra so zelenými strechami – od vlastn ých meraní až po politické programy
dr. ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD.
Implementácia výskumu zelenej infraštruktúry v Poľských mestách
Prestávka na občerstvenie
Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR
Výskum tepelného ostrova v mestách, povrchov striech a vplyv na chovanie vegetácie.
Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD.
Vedecká Rada ÚH SAV
Mamažment dažďovej vody v meste nám definujú naše možnosti, nie politika.
doc. Ing. Michaela DANÁČOVÁ, PhD.
Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, STU
Chovanie substrátu dostupného na trhu
prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD.
TSÚ stavebný
Stav bytového fondu SR
Obedná prestávka
tím AZSI
Prípadová štúdia „Naša Sibírska“ - ako rekonštruovať bytový dom pre súčasné klimatické podmienky.
RNDr. Timotej Brenkus
Podpora obnovy bytového fondu
Prestávka na občerstvenie
tím AZSI + porota
Vyhodnotenie súťaže "Zelená strecha 2023"
všetci spíkri z tohto dňa
Diskusný stôl k záveru prvého dňa
Záver a zhrnutie dňa
26. septembra 2023