Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more.
#ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings
international conference
Slovenská komora architektov zaradila rozhodnutím Výboru pre vzdelávanie, etiku a komunikáciu túto konferenciu do vzdelávania v rámci kategórie C. Účastníčky a účastníci z radov členskej základe SKA získajú za jeho absolvovanie 5 kreditov.
The Committee for Education, Ethics, and Communication of the Slovak Chamber of Architects decided to include this conference in education within category C. Participants from the SKA membership base will receive 5 credits for attending it.
Kategória C, 5 kreditov / Category C, 5 credits
Bratislava, Slovakia
hotel SAFFRON****
23. októbra 2024
22. októbra 2024
When and Venue:
nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová
General Schedule
End of the Gala dinner
Gala dinner
End of Day 1
Discussion panel
Day 1
End of Day 2
Discussion panel
Day 2
Excursion program
Keynote speakers

Dhiru A. Thadani, AIA, APA, FCNU, ISOCARP, NOMA, is an architect, author, educator, and urban planner in practice since 1980. He has worked to spread the principles and techniques of traditional urban planning on five continents by sharing research, lecturing, mentoring and working on projects. He has been a leading designer of new towns and cities, urban regeneration, neighbourhood revitalization, academic campuses and densification projects. He received seven CNU Charter Awards for master plans, for which he was the lead designer.
Architect and Urbanist
Board Chair of the CNU DC Chapter
Dhiru A. Thadani

A climate change specialist with over a decade of expertise in climate adaptation. She began her career at the Slovak Republic’s Ministry of Environment and now contributes to the European Environment Agency’s work. A graduate of Comenius University in Bratislava. Her current agenda centers around the European Climate Law and Governance Regulation, enhancing data transparency for 27 EU member states and beyond. She is a contributing author of the Agency’s policy assessments on national adaptation actions, including the 2023 EEA briefing, Is Europe on Track Towards Climate Resilience?
Expert on Climate Risks and Adaptation under the Climate Law
European Environment Agency
Mgr. Angelika Tamásová

Mark began transforming his garden and the street grass strip in his neighbourhood 30 years ago using green waste on the garden to restore the soil and to promote a healthy biome. After reaching out to the local board and the residents' association he took on the planting and care of Freemans Bay Park as a trial project of how we can transform how we care for our public green spaces. Mark's technique offers a low tech, natural approach to water management, diverts green waste from the landfill and increases biodiversity all key components of navigating our way through climate change.
New Zeland
Urban Jungles
Mark Stuart van Kaathoven

A Senior Policy Officer with the European Builders Confederation (EBC), the organisation representing construction SMEs and crafts from across Europe, based in Brussels. His work focusses on sustainable construction policy in the EU, including energy, environment, renewables, circularity, economic, social and health & safety policies.
Senior Policy Officer
European Builders Confederation (EBC)
Spyros Mathioudakis

Luigi Petito, 49, father of two, is an expert in European public affairs. He is based in Brussels, cross-roads for international affairs and the European Institutions. In 2019 he was invited to establish and lead European Chapter of the World Green Infrastructure Network the Since then, he follows EU policy and regulatory developments related to green infrastructure and advocates for a systematic integration of green infrastructure in urban areas.
In the field of green infrastructure, he represents WGIN in the EU Biodiversity Expert Group, is a member of the Impact Board of the EU funded project GoNaturePositive! and is a regular columnist for the magazine Living Architecture Monitor, a Green Roof for Healthy Cities publication.
Among other things, Luigi is Head of Secretariat at the European Alliance to Save Energy and Secretary General at European Childhood Obesity Group.
Head of EU Chapter at World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN)
Luigi Petito

specializing in geo-information systems for disaster risk management related to extreme weather. He started his career at the EC’s Joint Research Centre, contributing to development of the EU and Global Early Warning and Flood Monitoring Systems (as part of Copernicus EMS). At KAJO, he leads projects in climate adaptation and risk management, focusing on developing tools for forecasting extreme events, improving regional adaptation plans, implementing nature-based solutions, and engaging communities in climate change mitigation through innovative, participatory approaches.
Founder and director of KAJO
Milan Kalaš

Landscape architect at the Swedish consulting company Edge, who has more than ten years of professional experience with blue-green infrastructure in Denmark, Sweden and the Czech Republic, with activities ranging from planning to design and innovation of BGI systems.
Landscape architect
MSc. Martin Vysoký

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava, after several years of work experience in New Zealand as a 3D Architectural specialist, he has been working intensively in the field of digitization in the construction industry for more than 15 years. He holds several Autodesk, UNCC, ESG certificates and is also a director of Dimatz s.r.o., which has been dealing with the collection, processing and evaluation of 3D digital data for a long time. He is a graduate of doctoral studies at the TUKE Institute of Environmental Engineering, where his dissertation topic is the creation of a low-carbon methodology for urban sub-urban zones based on 3D digital map data.
Slovakia, Global
Miroslav Garaj

Licensed architect, graduate of FAD STU in Bratislava and Carleton University School of Architecture in Ottawa with an interdisciplinary specialization in environmental sciences. Author of the first passive apartment building in Slovakia. Founder of the ADAPTUJ.SK Educational Center for Adaptation and Resilience in Trnava, who focused his professional and educational activities on climate change, adaptation measures, architecture and communities resistant to climate change.
Institute for Architecture Adapted to Climate Change
Miroslav Marko

Expert in field of thermal radiation and its influence on thermal comfort. PhD form Faculty of Civil engineering at Technical university Brno. Since 2020 member of Remote sensing department of CzechGlobe. Involved in Research related to urban ecosystems with focus on thermal heat island phenomenon.
Czech Republic
Expert in field of thermal radiation and its influence on thermal comfort.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, Akademie věd ČR — CzechGlobe
Ing. Daniel Kopkáně, Ph.D.

He works as a zoologist at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University in Bratislava and mainly researches the ecology of animals, mainly insects. It was the study of ants that directed his focus of knowledge to soil biology, but in recent years topics related to pollinators have also been added to them. He also likes to connect scientific knowledge with the lay public. For the last four years, he has been researching the biodiversity of green roofs, which was able to combine all his personal and scientific interests.
Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava
Mgr. Adrián Purkart, PhD.

Sustainability Manager at KPMG in Slovakia, where he helps clients in various industries to implement and improve their sustainability and ESG practices. With more than 16 years of professional experience in this field, he has extensive experience in the implementation of environmental, health and safety (EHS) and ESG management systems, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculations and environmental due diligence audits. He has a doctorate in environmental engineering and is a certified auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards. He speaks at professional conferences and workshops as an expert on ESG and sustainability.
Sustainability Manager
Peter Škyrta

A person who has lived for today's times all his life. A time that began to deal with the consequences of our actions and actions on our environment, the planet and future generations. A person who has dedicated his life to the acquisition of ambient energy, the production of energy in alternative ways, the reduction of waste generation and their reuse, self-sufficient living, building biology, but above all the principle of synergy, as our mother planet does.
Business Development
Ing. Peter Sirotný

Lawyer and consultant specializing in environmental law in the areas of circular economy, nature protection and environmental impacts, and consulting in the field of corporate sustainability. He obtained a doctorate in administrative and environmental law at the University of Trnava. He completed educational online courses in the field of environmental management and sustainability at the Technical University of Denmark and the Center for Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland (USA). He currently works as an environmental lawyer and circular economy consultant for the consulting company CYRKL.
Lawyer and consultant, specialist in environmental law
CYRKL Zdrojová platforma
Mgr. Denis Bede, PhD.

He is the founder and director of the construction company ZELENÁ STAVBA, s.r.o., which specializes in the construction of low-energy and passive wooden buildings. The company focuses on individual construction and cooperation with developers. ZELENÁ STAVBA strives to bring sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for modern living.
From November 2023, he holds the position of chairman of the wooden constructions section and vice president of the Association of Wood Processors of the Slovak Republic.
Zelená stavba
Mgr. Luboš Kolesár

Project manager for the heat removal system and combustion products. He is responsible for the design and coordination of the construction project from the design to the complete handover to the customer. Experience with the design, solution and final setting of the entire system of heat removal and combustion products. Vice-president of the Passive Fire Protection Association in Slovakia. Author of several national standards for fire safety. Actively cooperates with the Institute of Standardization and Metrology of the Slovak Republic. Passionate creator of educational materials related to fire safety.
Vice President
Slovak association for passive fire protection
Tomáš Krchňák

Founder of LIKO-S, a Czech family company that has focused on innovative construction technologies and sustainability since its inception in 1992. The company has become a pioneer in the field of green buildings, primarily thanks to the development of green wall systems, facades and other ecological solutions. Libor Musil is a passionate supporter of sustainable architecture and natural technologies that promote harmony between modern buildings and the environment. In addition to entrepreneurship, he is known for his passion for supporting and developing family businesses.
Czech Republic
Founder of LIKO-S Company
LIKO-S, a.s.
Libor Musil

24-year-old founder of the successful recycling company Reneso. He likes to inspire young people to self-realization and innovative ideas. His company is a unique Green-Tech startup that brings sustainability to responsible companies and municipalities through a collection and recycling system of cigarette butts and tobacco cartridges. The resulting product, Reneso fibers, improves the durability of asphalt mixtures and extends the service life of Slovak roads and cycle paths.
CEO and Founder
Reneso, s.r.o.
Bc. Hugo Repáň
A data scientist and energy and telecommunications consultant with extensive experience in climate change research. It cooperates with international scientific centres and publishes in-depth analyses and solutions to minimize anthropogenic impacts on the climate.
He currently holds the position of Vice President of the International Research Institute for Adaptation to Climate Change ( Through these positions, he oversees international research activities related to the impacts of climate change, focusing on practical solutions for climate change adaptation and resilience.
Slovakia, Global
Vice president
international Climate Adaptation Research Institute
Jan Rapan
We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient.
Conference program
Partners and Sponsors
Branislav Siklienka
A summary of the previous day and a look at the new day.
Sumár predchádzajúceho dňa a pohľad na nový deň.
Miroslav Marko
Centrum adaptácie a odolnosti
Nothing new - normal historical development.
Žiadna novinka - bežný historický vývoj.
Ľuboš Kolesár
Zväz spracovateľov dreva SR/Sekcia drevostavieb
Wooden buildings and their connection with Climate Adaptation.
Drevostavby a ich prepojenie s Klimatickou adaptáciou.
Igor Bubeník
Climate measures connected to practice, developer's experience.
Klimatické opatrenia prepojené do praxe, skúsenosti developera.
Tomáš Guniš
Saint Gobain
Wooden Buildings and comfort
Coffee Break
Tomáš Krchňák
Slovenský zväz pasívnej požiarnej ochrany.
Fire safety of green roofs and photovoltaics.
Požiarna bezpečnosť zelených striech a fotovoltiky
Joost de Gier
Resistant vegetation on greens in current climate conditions.
Odolná vegetácia na zelených v súčasných klimatických podmienkach.
Spyros Mathioudakis
European Builders Confederation (EBC)
Construction and EU challenges for climate adaptation.
Stavebníctvo a výzvy EU pre klimatickú adaptáciu.
Peter Sirotný + Denis Bede
We have a problem. Photovoltaic panels live on.
Máme problém. Dožívajú nám fotovoltické panely.
Peter Škyrta
ESG is not a scarecrow, it brings new possibilities.
ESG nie je strašiak, prináša nové možnosti.
Libor Musil
LIKO-S, a.s.
Green walls and their contribution to building operation.
Zelené steny a ich prínos k prevádzke budovy.
Hugo Repáň
Reneso, s.r.o.
Recycling program of cigarette waste.
Recyklačný program cigaretového odpadu.
Financing tied to ESG is already the norm.
Financovanie naviazané na ESG je už štandardom.
Spíkri z druhého dňa
Discussion panel of all speakers.
Diskusný panel všetkých spíkrov.
Ján Rapan
Conclusion and summary of the 2024 Conference.
Záver a zhrnutie Konferencie 2024.
Press conference.
Tlačová konferencia.
23. októbra 2024
Otvorenie konferencie
Speech of the organizer, BSK, ZMOS.
Príhovor organizátora, BSK, ZMOS.
Ján Rapan
Emisie rastú, tlieskajme si
Angelika Tamásová
The most comprehensive analysis of climate risks in the EU.
Analýza klimatických rizík v EU.
Coffee Break
Dhiru Thadani, USA
Urban planning in accordance with climate adaptation.
Urbanizmus v súlade s klimatickou adaptáciou.
Mark Van Kaathoven
A green jungle in the middle of Auckland.
Zelená džungla uprostred Aucklandu
Martin Vysoký, Sweden
Designing green, blue and gray infrastructure in cities.
Navrhovanie zelenej, modrej a šedej infraštruktúry v mestách.
Milan Kalaš
Anti-flood monitoring system.
Protipovodňový monitorovací systém.
Miroslav Garaj
The potential of greenery in cities - digital monitoring.
Potenciál zelene v mestách - digitálny monitoring.
Ing. Daniel Kopkáně, Ph.D.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, Akademie věd ČR — CzechGlobe
Remote sensing for urban areas.
Diaľkový prieskum pre mestské oblasti.
Adrian Purkart
Prírodovedecká fakulta UK
Biodiversity research on the green roof of Nové nivy.
V ýskum biodiverzity na zelenej streche Nové Nivy.
Luigi Petito
Urban Green Infrastructures supported by EU policies and regulations.
Mestské zelené infraštruktúry podporované politikami a nariadeniami EÚ.
Coffee Break
Joint research on Adaptation measures in cities.
Spoločný výskum Adaptačných opatrení v mestách.
iCARI Team
Evaluation of the Green Roof 2024 competition + Presentation of prizes.
Zhodnotenie súťaže Zelená strecha 2024 + Odovzdanie cien.
Discussion panel of all speakers.
Diskusný panel všetkých spíkrov.
22. októbra 2024
Golden partner

Golden partner

Media partner

Media partner

Media partner

Media partner

Media partner

Media partner

Bronze partner

Bronze partner






