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  • Súťaž Zelená strecha 2024

    Spúšťame už 3. ročník celoslovenskej súťaže Zelená strecha. Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru, člen World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) pripravuje ďalší ročník unikátnej súťaže na Slovensku. Súťaž Zelená strecha 2024 bude obsahovať len kategóriu Budovy a dve podkategórie: - Rodinná zelená strecha (rodinné domy, vrátane garáží, ...) - Verejná zelená strecha (obytné domy, komerčné a priemyselné budovy a budovy verejných organizácií, školy, škôlky, ...) Súčasťou skúmaných podkategórií môžu byť: - zelená strecha (intenzívna, extenzívna). Dve hlavné podmienky pre nominácie: - nominácia bola ku dňu registrácie do súťaže už skolaudovaná, pokiaľ to legislatíva vyžaduje - nominácia nebola ocenená v predchádzajúcom roku našej súťaže Ostatné podmienky nájdete na linke. A opäť by sme radi: - vyzvali každého, kto vlastní, navrhol, postavil, videl čokoľvek hodné nominácie = oslovte nás. - navštívte náš web, kliknite na registráciu a zaregistrujte svoju zelenú strechu v jednej z kategórií. - nezabudnite na kvalitnú fotodokumentáciu. - naša porota následne navštívi registrované nominácie, ktoré prejdú úvodnou kontrolou. Súťaž Zelená strecha 2024 - dôležité informácie Začiatok registrácií zelených striech do súťaže: 15.5.2024 Uzávierka nominácii: 28. júna 2024 Hlasovanie: od 1.7.2024 Vyhlásenie víťazov: Konferencia Zelené strechy pre odolnejšie mestá 2024 - 22.10.-23.10.2024 Kto sa môže prihlásiť? Prihlášku môže podať do súťaže fyzická alebo právnická osoba, ktorá: realizovala vegetačné súvrstvie, podieľala sa na financovaní diela, podieľala sa projekcii alebo realizácii diela, je prevádzkovateľom alebo vlastníkom stavby. ​ Súťaž Zelená strecha 2024 poplatok za nomináciu Registračný poplatok za každú nomináciu do súťaže: Členovia Asociácie zelených striech a zelenej infraštruktúry – 40€ Ostatní účastníci súťaže - súkromná osoba (vlastník podľa LV) – 30€ Ostatní účastníci súťaže - 100€ Registračný poplatok je nutné uhradiť na základe vystavenej faktúry, ktorú obdržíte po zaslaní prihlášky, a to bankovým prevodom na účet Asociácie pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru. Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru nie je platcom DPH. Sledujte Blog a Novinky a emailové kampane Asociácie. Budeme Vás priebežne informovať o detailoch registrácie a priebehu súťaže. Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru

  • 2. ročník konferencie "Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023" úspešne za nami

    Tohtoročná konferencia bola premiérová, čo sa počtu dní týka. K tomuto kroku sme sa odhodlali pretože sme vám chceli ponúknuť ešte viac kvalitných prednášok, ešte viac diskusie, ešte viac príkladov a informácií z praxe. ​Nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky Zuzana Čaputová. Podľa nášho prieskumu, ktorý sme v asociácii urobili po skončení konferencie je jednoznačné, že úprimnosť a možná diskusia k témam sú ešte stále hlavné atribúty spoločnosti, čo nás veľmi teší. Na konferencii sa vystredali mená ako: prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred KÖHLER, Dr. Ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD., Mgr. Marián Pavelka, Ph.D., Ing. Samuel Burian, Dr. Oleksandra Strashok, prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD., Branislav Siklienka, Eduard Chvosta a mnohí ďalší skvelí českí aj slovenskí spíkri z oblasti enviro výskumu, zelených a modrých inovácií, životného prostredia, ale aj financovania a energetiky. Ak máte záujem o fotografie z konferencie "Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023" kliknite sem: Budúci rok plánujeme v našej osvete samozrejme pokračovať. Ešte lepšie, ešte zaujímavejšie, ešte komplexnejšie, s ešte viac dátami a konkrétnymi príkladmi. A budeme veriť, že, na tej budúcoročnej konferencii bude viac prítomných samospráv, štátnych inštitúcií, kompetentných orgánov, ministerstiev a ich jednotlivých sekcií, viac developerov, viac architektov a ľudí, ktorí zdieľajú rovnaký cieľ a myšlienku a ktorým záleží na našej planéte. Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru

  • Konferencia Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023

    Spúšťame úvodnú kampaň k našej konferencii, ktorá sa stáva ikonou v oblasti Blue a Green Infrastructure na Slovensku, s presahom do zahraničia. Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru, člen Európskej federácie Asociácií zelených striech a stien (EFB) pripravuje ďalší ročník unikátnej konferencie na Slovensku. ​Nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová. Konferencia Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023 má niekoľko významných zmien: - Konferencia bude dvojdňová. - Tretí deň bude tradičná edukačná exkurzia za krásami Zelených a modrých riešení. - Bude viacej prednášok ako len prezentácií. - Každý deň bude veľký diskusný panel s prednášajúcimi, aby sme vedeli zhrnúť poznatky, otázky a námety k daným témam. Ako už obyčajne: - Na záver konferencie vyhlásime výsledky súťaže Zelená strecha 2023. - Budú aj stánky partnerov, ktorí sa môžu pochváliť svojimi riešeniami. - Výborný networking pre účastníkov konferencie. - Večerný raut na záver prvého dňa konferencie. - Štvorhviezdičkový environment. - 100% istota, že "Blue a Green Infrastructure" nebude len zástupný "buzzword". Môžete sa pripraviť na mnohých významných zahraničných, domácich spíkrov a tém v oblastiach: - Vedy a výskum, - Energeitickej efektívnosti, - Dizajnovej fázy projektov, - Technológií, - Konštrukčných riešení, - Realizačnej fázy, - Údržby, - Financovanie projektov (vedy, výskumu, dizajnu, realizácie, ...). A samozrejme stretnete aj ikonu výskumu v oblasti Green infrastructure prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred KÖHLER, ktorý otvorí vedeckú časť konferencie s prednáškou o svojom +40 ročnom výskume v tejto oblasti: Kto bude prednášať: prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Koehler, prezident World Green Infrastructure Network, Nemecko, dr. ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science, Poľsko Mgr. Jozef Pecho, klimatológ, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD., predseda Vedeckej Rady Ústavu hydrológie, SAV RNDr. Timotej Brenkus, SAŽP, riaditeľ sekcie environmentalistiky Ing. arch. Ondrej Horváth, vedúci odboru územného rozvoja a koncepcií, mesto Trnava Ing. Pavel Dostál, predseda sekcie zelené strechy, Česká republika Ing. Jana Tóth, špecialistka na financovanie projektov z verejných zdrojov a mnoho ďalších... spolu zažijeme 24 odborných prednášok a budete mať možnosť porozprávať sa súčastníkmi konferencie na večernom networkingu. Prepájanie je dôležité, pretože spájaním dokážeme urobiť pre naše mestá a nasledujúce generácie viac. Pre koho je určená konferencia Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023 Gov a Municipality: organizácie v pôsobnosti štátu a samospráv, nakoľko téma zasahuje komplexný prierez Plánu obnovy, Adaptačných opatrení ako aj strategických dokumentov v oblasti Klimatickej zmeny. Edukačná oblasť: Univerzity, školstvo, vzdelávacie inštitúcie. Veda a výskum: organizácie pôsobiace v oblasti výskumu riešení na znižovanie antropogenických príčin Klimatickej zmeny, ako aj dopadov. Správcovské organizácie: Správcovia bytového a nebytového fondu, Spoločenstvá vlastníkov bytov a nebytových priestorov. Business segment: Architekti (statika, krajina, budovy, ...). Výroba materiálov, prvkov pre Blue a Green Infrastructure. Realizátori a údržba Blue a Green Infrastructure. Developeri. Financujúce organizácie (Investori, banky, fondy). Energetické organizácie (výroba, distribúcia, spotreba). Stavovské organizácie: Záujmové združenia, asociácie a organizácie s presahom uvedených tém a oblastí. ... ktokoľvek so záujmom zvyšovať svoju edukáciu, vytvoriť nové kontakty a pokúsiť sa o zmenu, ktorá môže prispieť k lepším podmienkam pre našich potomkov. Najdôležitejšie údaje: konferencia Klimaticky odolnejšie mestá 2023 Konferencia Kedy: 26.- 27. 9. 2023 (utorok, streda) s celodenným programom Večerný raut: 26.9.2023 po ukončení prvého dňa konferencie Kde: hotel Park Inn by Radisson Danube, Bratislava Exkurzia Kedy: 28. 9. 2023 (štvrtok) Kde: celodenná exkurzia autobusom, budeme komunikovať detaily Tento blok má obmedzený počet osôb. Organizátor: Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru Vstupné (osobná účasť) Člen Asociácie 209 € / pri kúpe vstupeniek do 15.8.2023 - 169 € Nečlen Asociácie 299 €/ pri kúpe vstupeniek do 15.8.2023 - 239 € Exkurzia: jednotné vstupné 39€ Vstupné (on-line Stream) Jednotná cena - 220 € (online sream prístup je na zaregistrovanú osobu, nedá sa zdielať) Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru nie je platcom DPH. Sledujte Blog a Novinky a emailové kampane Asociácie. Budeme Vás priebežne informovať o detailoch registrácie, o programe, spíkroch, ... Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru

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Ďalšie stránky (31)


    Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more. #ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings international conference MORE CLIMATE RESILIENT CITIES 2023 Slovenská komora architektov zaradila rozhodnutím Výboru pre vzdelávanie, etiku a komunikáciu túto konferenciu do vzdelávania v rámci kategórie C. Účastníčky a účastníci z radov členskej základe SKA získajú za jeho absolvovanie 5 kreditov. The Committee for Education, Ethics, and Communication of the Slovak Chamber of Architects decided to include this conference in education within category C. Participants from the SKA membership base will receive 5 credits for attending it. Kategória C, 5 kreditov / Category C, 5 credits 28. septembra 2023 Excursion: Bratislava, Slovakia hotel Park Inn by Radisson Danube 27. septembra 2023 26. septembra 2023 When and Venue: nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová General Schedule 23:00 End of the Gala dinner 18:00 Gala dinner 18:00 End of Day 1 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Registration Day 1 18:00 End of Day 2 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Regis tration Day 2 Excursion program Verejná zelená strecha Einpark Bratislava - Petržalka Detail projektu Verejná zelená strecha SKY Park Bratislava Detail projektu ​ ​ ​ Detail projektu Registration of entry to the Conference and Program I want to register You will be redirected to the registration page. Keynote speakers Garden architect. Education: Technical University of Berlin. PhD from 1987 on "Eco-effects of vegetation facades". About 220 related scientific publications with a main focus on green infrastructure. 1981 – 1990: scientist; Institute of Ecology, Technical University, Berlin, Germany. 1990 - 1994: Executive Director of the Research Center for Landscape Ecology, Bremen, Germany 1994- March 2021: Professor of Landscape Ecology at the University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg. 2008 Co-founder and President of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). 2021: Senior Professor Univ. of applied sciences. Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. Member of related associations such as FLL, BUGG, BDLA. Nemecko Prezident WGIN WGIN prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Koehler Assistant Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Wrocław and member of the WGIN Board of Directors. Founding member of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects. She is the author of scientific and popular publications related to the greenness of urban areas, with special emphasis on green roofs and living walls, as well as the adaptation of cities to climate change. She gave numerous papers at national and international conferences in European, Asian and US countries. She is also the author of green development projects for several city parks, as well as the author of expert opinions on the greening of buildings in city districts. In 2020, she was a member of the international consultation team for the draft EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Poľsko Prezident Poľská Asociácia zelených striech dr. ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD. He studied "Protection and creation of the environment" at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Palacký University in Olomouc and "Landscape Ecology" at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Mendel University in Brno, where he received his doctorate. Since 2010, he has been leading the Department of Energy and Substance Flows at the Institute of Global Change Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - CzechGlobe. It mainly deals with forest ecology, substance and energy flows between ecosystems and the atmosphere, functions of green spaces in cities, the carbon cycle, global climate change and the construction of measurement systems. Česká republika Senior scientist Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, Akademie věd ČR — CzechGlobe Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D. Doc. Sokáč is an independent researcher, chairman of the Scientific Council of the ÚH SAS, v. in. i. in its scientific and research activities, it deals with the issue of drainage of urbanized areas, water quality, mathematical modeling of runoff in urbanized areas and sewage networks, and changes in water quality. In recent years, he also dealt with the issue of hydrodynamic dispersion in water courses, or in sewage networks and by solving the inverse task - locating sources of pollution. Slovensko Predseda Vedeckej Rady ÚH SAV Ústav Hydrológie Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, v. v. i. doc. Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD. He studied at the Faculty of STU 1997-2003, professional internships in Winston-Salem, USA (2001) and New York, USA (2002). After graduating from 2003-2011, he was part of several architectural studios (SPDe, Bogár-Králik-Urban, Fitzpatrick-Mays (Ireland), Siebert-Talaš. In 2011, he founded his own studio, an_arch. In 2019, he entered a position in the local government, where he is currently the "chief architect" of the city of Trnava. He is a participant and lecturer in workshops focusing on public spaces and tactical urbanism. Slovensko Vedúci odboru územného rozvoja a koncepcií mesto Trnava mesto Trnava Ing. Arch. Ondrej Horváth Graduated from the field of garden and landscape design at AF VŠZ in Brno and postgraduate study of creation and environmental protection at Charles University. Authorized landscape architect, member of ČKA, forensic expert registered in the list of experts Min. justice. He started his professional career managing city parks and forests in the spa town of Poděbrady, from where he later moved to the Průhonice research institute. In the early 1990s, he worked as the director of the environmental protection department of the City Hall. of Prague. He is the co-author of the Standards for the design, implementation and maintenance of green roof vegetation and the author of the Greening of Facades methodology. Česko Autorizovaný krajinársky architekt Gardenandbotany Ing. Samuel Burian Co-founder of the family company GreenVille service s.r.o., which deals with the design, implementation and maintenance of green roofs. He is the chairman of the Czech professional section "Green roofs at the Association of Green Building and Maintenance" and one of the vice-presidents of the "European Federation of Green Roof and Facade Associations (EFB)". Česko CEO EFB, Ing. Pavel Dostál Prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD. is a teacher, energy auditor and energy manager, expert on renewable energy. He professionally deals with the issues of energy, energy audits, energy management and green architecture in connection with the possibilities of using RES with an assessment of complex connections to the user, society and the environment. He holds several certificates and certificates in the field of energy and renewable energy. Slovensko ​ Energia budov s. r. o. Prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD. Father of 2 children, who deals with the implementation and reconstruction of waterproofing of flat roofs with foil based on mPVC, with which our company has more than 30 years of experience. During my time in this company, I had the opportunity to participate in several important projects. From the portfolio of projects that we implement, my passion is mainly vegetated roofs. Slovensko ​ Fatra Izolfa a.s. Ing. Michal Kováč Data scientist and consultant in the field of Energy and Telecommunications, who has been engaged in research in the field of Climate Change for a long time. It cooperates with international scientific centers and publishes in-depth analyzes and solutions to minimize the anthropogenic impacts of Climate Change. He is the vice-president of the Slovak Association for Green Roofs and Green Infrastructure, a member of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations, a member of the World Green Infrastructure Network. In these institutions, it covers international scientific research activities related to the impact of Blue and Green infrastructure, including energy efficiency to minimize Urban Heat Islands and Climate Change. Slovensko Viceprezident AZSI Ján Rapan We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient. Conference program LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook X (Twitter) Copy link SHARE: Partners and Sponsors Ing. Pavel Dostal EFB, Najčastejšie chyby na zelených strechách Fatra Izolfa a.s. Fatra Pomáhame, aby voda pomáhala a neškodila Ing. Samuel Burian ​ Ako na to - manuál pre vertikálne zelené steny Eduard Chvosta Botanická záhrada hl. mesta Prahy Ako priniesť biodiverzitu do miest ​ ​ Prestávka na občerstvenie Ing. Arch. Ondrej Horváth mesto Trnava Ako buduje Trnava adaptačné opatrenia – príklady dobrej praxe Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Formanek GRÜNSTATTGRAU, Rakúsko Ako tieto veci riešime v Rakúsku Dr Oleksandra Strashok Ukrainian Association of Green Infrastructure, Wroclaw University of Life and Environmental Sciences (PL) National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (UA, Kyiv) Pohľad na obnovu Ukrajiny Branislav Siklienka AZSI Inšpiratívne príklady zelených striech zo Slovenska a zahraničia ​ ​ Obedná prestávka ​ SPP Ekofond Zelená infraštruktúra a výroba energie prof. Ing. Peter Tauš, PhD. ​ Starostlivosť o bytový fond, energetická efektivita a samostatnosť ​ ​ Financovanie opatrení z verejných zdrojov - ŠFRB Jana Tóth AZSI Financovanie opatrení z fondov EÚ ​ ​ Zvýhodnené podmienky pre obnovu bytového fondu - banky a poisťovne Ján Rapan AZSI Teraz už viete, že zelená infraštruktúra môže pomáhať viac ako len prázdny slogan ​ ​ Diskusný stôl k záveru druhého dňa ​ ​ Záver a zhrnutie dňa Day: 27. septembra 2023 Branislav Siklienka AZSZI Príhovor organizátora Ján Rapan AZSZI Umenie ohýbania dát prof. Dr. Ing. Manfred Koehler WGIN Modrá/Zelená infraštruktúra so zelenými strechami – od vlastných meraní až po politické programy dr. ing. Marta Weber-Siwirska, PhD. WGIN Implementácia výskumu zelenej infraštruktúry v Poľských mestách ​ ​ Prestávka na občerstvenie Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D. Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR Výskum tepelného ostrova v mestách, povrchov striech a vplyv na chovanie vegetácie. Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD. Vedecká Rada ÚH SAV Mamažment dažďovej vody v meste nám definujú naše možnosti, nie politika. doc. Ing. Michaela DANÁČOVÁ, PhD. Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, STU Chovanie substrátu dostupného na trhu prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD. TSÚ stavebný Stav bytového fondu SR ​ ​ Obedná prestávka tím AZSI AZSI Prípadová štúdia „Naša Sibírska“ - ako rekonštruovať bytový dom pre súčasné klimatické podmienky. RNDr. Timotej Brenkus SAŽP (MŽ) Podpora obnovy bytového fondu ​ ​ Prestávka na občerstvenie ​ tím AZSI + porota Vyhodnotenie súťaže "Zelená strecha 2023" všetci spíkri z tohto dňa ​ Diskusný stôl k záveru prvého dňa ​ ​ Záver a zhrnutie dňa 26. septembra 2023 Day: Gold partner Gold partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Bronze partner Partner Partner Partner Partner


    Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more. #ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings international conference GREEN ROOFS FOR MORE RESILIENT CITIES 2022 Slovenská komora architektov zaradila rozhodnutím Výboru pre vzdelávanie, etiku a komunikáciu túto konferenciu do vzdelávania v rámci kategórie C. Účastníčky a účastníci z radov členskej základe SKA získajú za jeho absolvovanie 5 kreditov. The Committee for Education, Ethics, and Communication of the Slovak Chamber of Architects decided to include this conference in education within category C. Participants from the SKA membership base will receive 5 credits for attending it. Kategória C, 5 kreditov / Category C, 5 credits 29. septembra 2022 Excursion: Bratislava, Slovakia hotel Park Inn by Radisson Danube 28. septembra 2022 28. septembra 2022 When and Venue: nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová General Schedule 23:00 End of the Gala dinner 18:00 Gala dinner 18:00 End of Day 1 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Registration Day 1 18:00 End of Day 2 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Regis tration Day 2 Excursion program Verejná zelená strecha Jarabinky Bratislava Detail projektu Verejná zelená strecha SKY Park Bratislava Detail projektu Verejná zelená strecha Guthaus Bratislava Detail projektu Registration of entry to the Conference and Program I want to register You will be redirected to the registration page. Keynote speakers Green infrastructure professional, speaker, photographer and conservationist Currently, Dusty Gedge is President of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations (EFB) and founder of, a recognized authority, designer and consultant on green roofs and green infrastructure. He works with Gary Grant for Green Infrastructure Consultancy Ltd. Dusty has been a lifelong bird watcher and has a keen interest in nature, be it wild bees, butterflies or wildflowers. Birdwatching guided him in his career towards green infrastructure. UK Member EFB Dusty Gedge Ing. Rastislav Nemec is the director of the business development division in the Slovak gas industry, a. with. from February 2021. The division he manages has competences and responsibilities for the creation and implementation of strategic development opportunities in the areas of building renewable energy sources (RES), especially photovoltaic and wind power plants, as well as the production of alternative low-emission energies and fuels, including biomethane and green hydrogen and last but not least in the field of providing modern energy services and solutions, such as aggregation. Before joining SPP, Rastislav Nemec was a project manager and chief expert for the creation of a new vision and strategy for SPP until 2030, which will be gradually implemented from 2020. Slovensko Riaditeľ divízie rozvoja podnikania SPP a.s. Rastislav Nemec He graduated in landscape architecture and since 1992 has been running his own gardening company A777 Garden design, and is also active in vertical green and indoor gardening For more than 25 years he has been dedicated to renewable energies. He has been responsible for research and development at Solarspar since 2008. It focuses on solutions of a combined green roof and photovoltaic panels as a system solution for extreme conditions in the mountains. He implemented test projects in Winterthur, Arosa, Yakutia and Moscow. Since autumn 2015, he has been a member of the group of experts on renewable energy at the UN Economic Commission for Europe, . Švajčiarsko CEO A777 Garden design Andreas Dreisiebner He works as a manager in the company GreenVille service s.r.o., which has been dealing with the implementation of green roofs since 2012. Pavel Dostal is also the chairman of the Green Roofs professional section of the Green Building and Maintenance Association, which brings together companies and organizations professionally dealing with greenery on buildings. He is an active member of the working groups of the Czech Council for Green Buildings (CZGBC) and one of the vice-presidents of the international organization EFB uniting national green roof associations in European countries. Česká republika Viceprezident EFB Pavel Dostál She studied landscape architecture and helped found the Austrian innovation laboratory for green roofs and green facades GRÜNSTATTGRAU, where she works as a project manager in Vienna. She is the general secretary of the European Federation of Green Roofs and Facades (EFB), which unites European national associations. It focuses on biosolar green roofs, urban biodiversity and quality assurance. She was part of the working group for the creation of the Austrian green wall standard ÖNORM L 1136, which was published in April 2021. Rakúsko Krajinná architektka GRÜNSTATTGRAU Austria Elisabeth Gruchmann A landscape architect who works at the consulting firm Edge, based in Malmö, Sweden. He focuses on the creation of multifunctional public spaces that contribute to the quality of urban life. He is the co-author of the manual Living Streets - a manual for Bluegreengrey systems, which was created for nine Swedish municipalities and which is based on several years of research and application of these systems in the urban environment. In his presentation, he will talk about an interdisciplinary approach that shows how to combine the functions of rainwater management, planting and root space for vegetation, and paved surfaces for traffic on the same area and volume in order to ensure ecosystem services and increase the climate resilience of urban spaces. Švédsko Krajinný architekt Edge Martin Vysoký He is an expert in green roofs. His company is based in Boston and has over a decade of experience in the industry. Pete is a dedicated green roof advocate, educator and implementer and a firm believer in the regenerative power of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. Coming from a diverse background in art, construction, design and agriculture, Pete takes a holistic approach to his work, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration. Along with his team at Recover Green Roofs, he has developed and installed green roofs and rooftop farms across the United States, working tirelessly to promote the inclusion of nature in our built cities. USA Projektový manager Recover Green Roofs Pete Ellis He has been working at YIT Slovakia for more than 5 years and my task is to bring news in the field of construction, whether it is prefabrication, sustainability in construction or new technological and energy solutions. Subsequently, we try to transfer these solutions to our projects, which is a very difficult and long-term work before it manifests itself on the outside. Retrieving information from our projects in order to apply good solutions elsewhere and avoid bad solutions is also part of my job. Slovensko ​ YIT Branislav Bošák Data scientist and consultant in the field of Energy and Telecommunications, who is dedicated to research in the field of Climate Change. It cooperates with international scientific centers and publishes in-depth analyzes and solutions to minimize the impacts of Climate Change. He is also the chairman of the Naša Sibírska community, where he is dedicated to projects of revitalization of the old housing stock and reduction of the impacts of Urban heat islands. Slovensko Dátový vedec ​ Ján Rapan She studied nature and landscape protection at the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Studies of the Technical University in Zvolen. Currently, she works for the Ekopolis Foundation as a program manager. At the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Development of Civil Society, he works on the involvement of civil society in the programming of the European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027 in the area of ​​2nd Green Europe. In 2020-2021, she worked as an external coordinator of the creation of the water policy concept at the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, when a new framework for sustainable was created with the participation of a wide range of stakeholders. The subject of her interest is public participation in environmental decision-making, protection and sustainable use of water, as well as protection of the residential environment. She is a member of the monitoring committee for the Environmental Quality Operational Program, where she represents the Ekoforum network of environmental organizations. Slovensko Programová manažérka Nadácia Ekopolis Martina Paulíková In 2000, he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava, majoring in environmental studies - environmental planning and management. During his studies, he completed a two-month internship in the USA and assisted in the projects of the studio AUREX, spol. with r. about. He gained his first practical experience (2000 – 2003) at DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology, later (2004 – 2007) he worked closely with the company EKOJET, p. r. o., since 2007 he has been fully devoted to his consulting company ADONIS CONSULT. He participated in the assessment of more than 250 construction projects, his company is active throughout Slovakia, he is a member of the environmental commission in Bratislava's Devínská Nova Ves. He lectures externally at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University and publishes in local newspapers. Slovensko CEO ADONIS CONSULT Vladimír Kočvara For several years, she was the business manager of AGRO CS Slovakia a.s., a garden and landscape architect. After completing her studies at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering in Nitra, Zuzana gradually began to apply the acquired experience in the field at AGRO CS Slovakia a.s., where she has been working as a PROFI sales manager since 2014. It specializes in and covers the sale of a complete assortment for vegetated roofs and park improvements on the Slovak market. He actively participates in the design of the correct and functional vegetation assemblage on various projects of extensive and intensive roofs. Slovensko Obchodný manažér AGRO CS Slovakia a.s. Zuzana Beerová We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient. 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    Target group: municipalities, cities, regional & national governments, associations, private corporations, SMEs, multinational enterprises, urban planners, environmental scientists, policymakers, sustainability professionals, researchers, climate adaptation experts, data scientists, funding organizations, ESG managers, consultants, construction companies, developers, academic sector, building managers, diplomats, anyone interested in learning more. #ClimateAdaptation, #Green&BlueInfrastructure, #ClimateDataScience, #BuildingsEnergyEfficiency, #UrbanResilience, #WasteManagement, #NatureBasedSolutions, #FeasibleSolutions, #SustainableSolutions, #FundingSources, #ModernWoodenBuildings, #WoodInArchitecture, #UrbanWoodenBuildings, #PublicWoodenBuildings international conference MORE CLIMATE RESILIENT CITIES 2024 Slovenská komora architektov zaradila rozhodnutím Výboru pre vzdelávanie, etiku a komunikáciu túto konferenciu do vzdelávania v rámci kategórie C. Účastníčky a účastníci z radov členskej základe SKA získajú za jeho absolvovanie 5 kreditov. The Committee for Education, Ethics, and Communication of the Slovak Chamber of Architects decided to include this conference in education within category C. Participants from the SKA membership base will receive 5 credits for attending it. Kategória C, 5 kreditov / Category C, 5 credits ​ Excursion: Bratislava, Slovakia hotel SAFFRON**** 23. októbra 2024 22. októbra 2024 When and Venue: nad podujatím prevzala záštitu prezidentka Slovenskej republiky pani Zuzana Čaputová General Schedule 23:00 End of the Gala dinner 18:00 Gala dinner 18:00 End of Day 1 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Registration Day 1 18:00 End of Day 2 17:00 Discussion panel 09:00 Openning 08:00 Regis tration Day 2 Excursion program Registration of entry to the Conference and Program I want to register You will be redirected to the registration page. Keynote speakers Dhiru A. Thadani, AIA, APA, FCNU, ISOCARP, NOMA, is an architect, author, educator, and urban planner in practice since 1980. He has worked to spread the principles and techniques of traditional urban planning on five continents by sharing research, lecturing, mentoring and working on projects. He has been a leading designer of new towns and cities, urban regeneration, neighbourhood revitalization, academic campuses and densification projects. He received seven CNU Charter Awards for master plans, for which he was the lead designer. USA Architect and Urbanist Board Chair of the CNU DC Chapter Dhiru A. Thadani A climate change specialist with over a decade of expertise in climate adaptation. She began her career at the Slovak Republic’s Ministry of Environment and now contributes to the European Environment Agency’s work. A graduate of Comenius University in Bratislava. Her current agenda centers around the European Climate Law and Governance Regulation, enhancing data transparency for 27 EU member states and beyond. She is a contributing author of the Agency’s policy assessments on national adaptation actions, including the 2023 EEA briefing, Is Europe on Track Towards Climate Resilience? Denmark Expert on Climate Risks and Adaptation under the Climate Law European Environment Agency Mgr. Angelika Tamásová Mark began transforming his garden and the street grass strip in his neighbourhood 30 years ago using green waste on the garden to restore the soil and to promote a healthy biome. After reaching out to the local board and the residents' association he took on the planting and care of Freemans Bay Park as a trial project of how we can transform how we care for our public green spaces. Mark's technique offers a low tech, natural approach to water management, diverts green waste from the landfill and increases biodiversity all key components of navigating our way through climate change. New Zeland Director Urban Jungles Mark Stuart van Kaathoven A Senior Policy Officer with the European Builders Confederation (EBC), the organisation representing construction SMEs and crafts from across Europe, based in Brussels. His work focusses on sustainable construction policy in the EU, including energy, environment, renewables, circularity, economic, social and health & safety policies. Belgium Senior Policy Officer European Builders Confederation (EBC) Spyros Mathioudakis Founder of Business Solution Europa within the World Green Infrastructure Network, which is responsible for liaising with the European Commission. Belgium Founder and Managing Director, Head of Secretariat Business Solutions Europa, European Alliance to Save Energy, WGIN Luigi Petito specializing in geo-information systems for disaster risk management related to extreme weather. He started his career at the EC’s Joint Research Centre, contributing to development of the EU and Global Early Warning and Flood Monitoring Systems (as part of Copernicus EMS). At KAJO, he leads projects in climate adaptation and risk management, focusing on developing tools for forecasting extreme events, improving regional adaptation plans, implementing nature-based solutions, and engaging communities in climate change mitigation through innovative, participatory approaches. Slovakia Founder and director of KAJO KAJO Milan Kalaš Landscape architect at the Swedish consulting company Edge, who has more than ten years of professional experience with blue-green infrastructure in Denmark, Sweden and the Czech Republic, with activities ranging from planning to design and innovation of BGI systems. Sweden Landscape architect Edge MSc. Martin Vysoký A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava, after several years of work experience in New Zealand as a 3D Architectural specialist, he has been working intensively in the field of digitization in the construction industry for more than 15 years. He holds several Autodesk, UNCC, ESG certificates and is also a director of Dimatz s.r.o., which has been dealing with the collection, processing and evaluation of 3D digital data for a long time. He is a graduate of doctoral studies at the TUKE Institute of Environmental Engineering, where his dissertation topic is the creation of a low-carbon methodology for urban sub-urban zones based on 3D digital map data. Slovakia, Global CEO DIMATZ Miroslav Garaj Licensed architect, graduate of FAD STU in Bratislava and Carleton University School of Architecture in Ottawa with an interdisciplinary specialization in environmental sciences. Author of the first passive apartment building in Slovakia. Founder of the ADAPTUJ.SK Educational Center for Adaptation and Resilience in Trnava, who focused his professional and educational activities on climate change, adaptation measures, architecture and communities resistant to climate change. Slovakia CEO Institute for Architecture Adapted to Climate Change Miroslav Marko He studied "Protection and creation of the environment" at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Palacký University in Olomouc and "Landscape Ecology" at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Mendel University in Brno, where he received his doctorate. Since 2010, he has been leading the Department of Energy and Substance Flows at the Institute of Global Change Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - CzechGlobe. It mainly deals with forest ecology, substance and energy flows between ecosystems and the atmosphere, functions of green spaces in cities, the carbon cycle, global climate change and the construction of measurement systems. Czech Republic Senior scientist Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, Akademie věd ČR — CzechGlobe Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D. He works as a zoologist at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University in Bratislava and mainly researches the ecology of animals, mainly insects. It was the study of ants that directed his focus of knowledge to soil biology, but in recent years topics related to pollinators have also been added to them. He also likes to connect scientific knowledge with the lay public. For the last four years, he has been researching the biodiversity of green roofs, which was able to combine all his personal and scientific interests. Slovakia Researcher Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava Mgr. Adrián Purkart, PhD. Sustainability Manager at KPMG in Slovakia, where he helps clients in various industries to implement and improve their sustainability and ESG practices. With more than 16 years of professional experience in this field, he has extensive experience in the implementation of environmental, health and safety (EHS) and ESG management systems, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculations and environmental due diligence audits. He has a doctorate in environmental engineering and is a certified auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards. He speaks at professional conferences and workshops as an expert on ESG and sustainability. Slovakia Sustainability Manager KPMG Peter Škyrta A person who has lived for today's times all his life. A time that began to deal with the consequences of our actions and actions on our environment, the planet and future generations. A person who has dedicated his life to the acquisition of ambient energy, the production of energy in alternative ways, the reduction of waste generation and their reuse, self-sufficient living, building biology, but above all the principle of synergy, as our mother planet does. Slovakia ​ Business Development Ing. Peter Sirotný Lawyer and consultant specializing in environmental law in the areas of circular economy, nature protection and environmental impacts, and consulting in the field of corporate sustainability. He obtained a doctorate in administrative and environmental law at the University of Trnava. He completed educational online courses in the field of environmental management and sustainability at the Technical University of Denmark and the Center for Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland (USA). He currently works as an environmental lawyer and circular economy consultant for the consulting company CYRKL. Slovakia Lawyer and consultant, specialist in environmental law CYRKL Zdrojová platforma Mgr. Denis Bede, PhD. He is the founder and director of the construction company ZELENÁ STAVBA, s.r.o., which specializes in the construction of low-energy and passive wooden buildings. The company focuses on individual construction and cooperation with developers. ZELENÁ STAVBA strives to bring sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for modern living. From November 2023, he holds the position of chairman of the wooden constructions section and vice president of the Association of Wood Processors of the Slovak Republic. Slovakia CEO Zelená stavba Mgr. Luboš Kolesár Project manager for the heat removal system and combustion products. He is responsible for the design and coordination of the construction project from the design to the complete handover to the customer. Experience with the design, solution and final setting of the entire system of heat removal and combustion products. Vice-president of the Passive Fire Protection Association in Slovakia. Author of several national standards for fire safety. Actively cooperates with the Institute of Standardization and Metrology of the Slovak Republic. Passionate creator of educational materials related to fire safety. Slovakia Vice President Slovak association for passive fire protection Tomáš Krchňák The Chairman of the Board at LIKO-S, a.s., a Czech family-owned business established in 1992. LIKO-S is a European leader in prefabricated systems for interior spaces, custom metal production, and green building solutions. The company has received numerous awards, including the Red Dot Award and Deloitte Best Managed Company. LIKO-S employs over 250 people across five branches worldwide. Its mission is to create better buildings for people and nature. Czech Republic Chairman of the board LIKO-S, a.s. Jan Musil 24-year-old founder of the successful recycling company Reneso. He likes to inspire young people to self-realization and innovative ideas. His company is a unique Green-Tech startup that brings sustainability to responsible companies and municipalities through a collection and recycling system of cigarette butts and tobacco cartridges. The resulting product, Reneso fibers, improves the durability of asphalt mixtures and extends the service life of Slovak roads and cycle paths. Slovakia CEO and Founder Reneso, s.r.o. Bc. Hugo Repáň A data scientist and energy and telecommunications consultant with extensive experience in climate change research. It cooperates with international scientific centres and publishes in-depth analyses and solutions to minimize anthropogenic impacts on the climate. He currently holds the position of Vice President of the International Research Institute for Adaptation to Climate Change ( Through these positions, he oversees international research activities related to the impacts of climate change, focusing on practical solutions for climate change adaptation and resilience. Slovakia, Global Vice president international Climate Adaptation Research Institute Jan Rapan We are currently working on finalizing the program. The finalized schedule will be published at the end of September. Please check back later for updates. Thank you for being so patient. Conference program LinkedIn WhatsApp Facebook X (Twitter) Copy link SHARE: Partners and Sponsors Branislav Siklienka iCARI A summary of the previous day and a look at the new day. Sumár predchádzajúceho dňa a pohľad na nový deň. Miroslav Marko Centrum adaptácie a odolnosti The first passive apartment building in Slovakia, practical experience. Prvý pasívny bytový dom v SR, skúsenosti z praxe. Ľuboš Kolesár Zväz spracovateľov dreva SR/Sekcia drevostavieb Wooden buildings and their connection with Climate Adaptation. Drevostavby a ich prepojenie s Klimatickou adaptáciou. Igor Bubeník Corwin Climate measures connected to practice, developer's experience. Klimatické opatrenia prepojené do praxe, skúsenosti developera. Adrián Purkart Prírodovedecká fakulta UK Biodiversity research on the green roof of Nové nivy. Výskum biodiverzity na zelenej streche Nové nivy. Coffee Break ​ ​ Jan Musil LIKO-S, a.s. Green walls and their contribution to building operation. Zelené steny a ich prínos k prevádzke budovy. ​ Sempergreen Resistant vegetation on greens in current climate conditions. Odolná vegetácia na zelených v súčasných klimatických podmienkach. Tomáš Krchňák Slovenský zväz pasívnej požiarnej ochrany. Požiarna bezpečnosť zelených striech a fotovoltiky. Požiarna bezpečnosť zelených striech a fotovoltiky Obed ​ ​ Peter Sirotný + Denis Bede CYRKL We have a problem. Photovoltaic panels live on. Máme problém. Dožívajú nám fotovoltické panely. Spyros Mathioudakis European Builders Confederation (EBC) Construction and EU challenges for climate adaptation. Stavebníctvo a výzvy EU pre klimatickú adaptáciu. Peter Škyrta KPMG ESG is not a scarecrow, it brings new possibilities. ESG nie je strašiak, prináša nové možnosti. Coffee Break ​ ​ Hugo Repáň Reneso, s.r.o. Recycling program of cigarette waste. Recyklačný program cigaretového odpadu. VÚB VÚB Financing tied to ESG is already the norm. Financovanie naviazané na ESG je už štandardom. Spíkri z druhého dňa ​ Discussion panel of all speakers. Diskusný panel všetkých spíkrov. Ján Rapan iCARI Conclusion and summary of the 2024 Conference. Záver a zhrnutie Konferencie 2024. iCARI ​ Press conference. Tlačová konferencia. Day: 23. októbra 2024 Organizátor Otvorenie konferencie Speech of the organizer, BSK, ZMOS. Príhovor organizátora, BSK, ZMOS. Ján Rapan iCARI Emisie rastú, tlieskajme si Angelika Tamásová EU EEA The most comprehensive analysis of climate risks in the EU. Analýza klimatických rizík v EU. Milan Kalaš JRC, KAJO Anti-flood monitoring system. Protipovodňový monitorovací systém. Coffee Break ​ ​ Dhiru Thadani, USA ​ Urban planning in accordance with climate adaptation. Urbanizmus v súlade s klimatickou adaptáciou. Obed ​ ​ Martin Vysoký, Sweden ​ Designing green, blue and gray infrastructure in cities. Navrhovanie zelenej, modrej a šedej infraštruktúry v mestách. Miroslav Garaj DIMATZ The potential of greenery in cities - digital monitoring. Potenciál zelene v mestách - digitálny monitoring. Mark Van Kaathoven ​ A green jungle in the middle of Auckland. Zelená džungla uprostred Aucklandu Marián Pavelka ​ The impact of greenery on air quality in an unconventional, but scientific way. Vplyv zelene na kvalitu ovzdušia netradične, ale vedecky. Luigi Petito Business Solutions Europa, European Alliance to Save Energy, WGIN Green infrastructure from the point of view of the EU. Zelená infraštruktúra z pohľadu EU. Coffee Break ​ ​ ​ iCARI , CZECHGLOBE Joint research on Adaptation measures in cities. Spoločný výskum Adaptačných opatrení v mestách. iCARI Team ​ Evaluation of the Green Roof 2024 competition + Presentation of prizes. Zhodnotenie súťaže Zelená strecha 2024 + Odovzdanie cien. Spíkri ​ Discussion panel of all speakers. Diskusný panel všetkých spíkrov. Galadinner ​ ​ 22. októbra 2024 Day: Golden partner Golden partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Media partner Bronze partner Partner Partner Partner

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